The Ocarina is a non-offensive item used for transportation - in certain Scenarios, there are Owl Statues scattered across the map that were not present in the Wii U version. There are also two new items included in the game: the Ocarina and the Hammer.

However, if any of the allied Warriors are defeated, the battle is lost. In addition, by tapping the map on the bottom screen, allied Warriors that are not currently controlled can be directed to different locations on the map, and can even target certain stronger enemies. The gameplay is mostly identical to the original Hyrule Warriors, though it features a few key differences: during certain battles, it is possible to tap on other Warriors' portraits on the bottom screen and switch to that character. Acceptance of the network related terms and privacy policies required.The Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild - The Champions' Ballad Review The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes is available from shops and as a downloadable version from Nintendo eShop now, only on Nintendo 3DS family systems. You can Prepare yourself for this brand new quest at our official The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes website, where you can learn how to best work together and triumph in a trio! Please see the times for each online session listed below: During the online sessions, players will be able to explore levels and try on outfits with unique powers! You will also be able to team up with faraway heroes during any of four online sessions* taking place at select times throughout October and November. Try out this new entry in The Legend of Zelda series, which sees three heroes teaming up to tackle puzzles and enemies as a dynamic trio! With the demo, you will be able to connect and co-operate with other players locally who have also downloaded the demo. Following the release of The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, out now on Nintendo 3DS family systems, a multiplayer demo is now available on Nintendo eShop.*